T I T H E S & O F F E R I N G S"With the help of God’s grace, it shall be the duty of every member of the Church: ... To give regular financial support to the Church, with the biblical tithe as the minimum standard of giving." (Title I, Canon 10 §2) The tithe is a portion of one's goods which is given to God and His Church. These offerings are a "sacrifice" or "oblation" given to God and are used to further the work of the Church. All members in good standing of the Anglican Church in North America are expected to give the Biblical Tithe, which is 10% of their income. (Deuteronomy 14:22-26) Tithes are left in the possession of the Church and are used for everyday parish and diocesan needs.
A L M S G I V I N GAlmsgiving is not the same as the tithe, but goes above the minimum 10% owed to God. Alms are funds which are set apart specifically for the poor and needy. Almsgiving is sacramental, as whatever is given to the poor is given directly to God (Proverbs 19:17) as Christ has identified Himself with the poor. (Matthew 25:40-45) The wise man reminds us: "Practicing mercy [Almsgiving] delivers from death, and it purges away every sin. Those who do deeds of mercy will have full satisfaction from life; but those who practice sin and injustice are enemies of their own souls." (Tobit 12:9-10) Alms are specifically left in the keeping of the Deacons who distribute them to those in need.