C A T E C H E S I SRegular teaching from the Church's Catechism To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism takes place at 10:30 A.M. in the parish hall during a time of food and fellowship. The Church's catechism covers many topics necessary for Christians to know ranging from the basics of doctrinal beliefs and worship to contemporary moral issues. Deepening our understanding of the Christian Faith is a spiritual duty of all the laity who are called "to engage regularly in the reading and study of Holy Scripture and the Doctrine of the Church as found in Article I of the Constitution of this Church." (Constitution & Canons, Title I, Canon 10, §2) If you would like to learn more about the Faith, please join us!
H O L Y B A P T I S MHoly Baptism together with Holy Communion is one of two Sacraments "generally necessary to salvation." (1662 Catechism) It is likewise the necessary prerequisite for admittance to the Lord's Supper. "If you are now becoming a follower of Jesus Christ and have never been baptized, it is important that you speak with a minister about preparing for Baptism." (To Be A Christian, 22) Likewise, parents are "not to defer the Baptism of their children" and ought to speak with a minister of the Church as soon as possible. (BCP 160) Baptism classes for adults and children are available at different times throughout the year. Please check the calendar or contact the church for more information.
H O L Y M A T R I M O N Y"Christian marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman, uniting them in self-giving love, joy, and faithfulness. It is ordained by God for the procreation and spiritual nurture of children, the sanctification of husband and wife, the mutual support of their common life, and the flourishing of family, church, and society. Husband and wife enter into this covenant by exchanging vows before God and in the presence of witnesses." (To Be A Christian, 146) This union between a Woman and Man profoundly represents sacramentally the union between Christ and His Church. (Ephesians 5:32) Therefore, it is the insistence of the Church that "great care should be taken to prepare all candidates for Holy Matrimony." (BCP 61) Due preparation for marriage is expected of all who are a part of St. Mark's Church community pursuing the sacrament of marriage, as well as all who wish to use its building.
"Confirmation (or Reception) through the laying on of hands by a Bishop is the rite of public profession of faith that is expected of every adult member of the Church. In it the Holy Spirit gives grace to the believer for discipleship and ministry as a mature Christian." (BCP 7) To be admitted as full members into any branch of Christ's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is called "Confirmation" or "Chrismation." Those who have already been Confirmed or Chrismated are instead "Received" into the Church. This rite is one of the five "Sacraments of the Church." (To Be a Christian, 124) Adults and older children who consider St. Mark's their Church are obligated to seek Confirmation or Reception if they have not done so. Instructional or inquirer’s classes are available to all who are in preparation to formally and publicly join the church through the rite of Confirmation or Reception.