Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” |
H O W T O G I V ECheques or Cash may be given at our Sunday services by placing them in an envelope and setting it in the Collection Plate or they may be mailed to: P.O. Box 279 Loomis, CA 95650. Gifts may also be given electronically by utilizing the link above. If you are interested in other forms of giving, click here.
Please Specify if your gifts are Tithes, Alms, or other Gifts.
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W H O M A Y G I V E ?“Offerings to the Church from unworthy persons are to be refused.” (Statuta Ecclesiæ Antiqua) The Christian obligation to give to the Church is a supreme privilege and Ministers are not permitted to receive gifts from just anyone. Please do not leave an offering to the Church if you are not a baptized Christian or have left the Christian Faith. The sentiment is deeply appreciated by all of us here at St. Mark's, but it is not your offering to make in the House of God. If you find yourself in a position where you would like to give but are unable to due to these circumstances, please speak to the Clergy.
T I T H E S & O F F E R I N G S"With the help of God’s grace, it shall be the duty of every member of the Church: ... To give regular financial support to the Church, with the biblical tithe as the minimum standard of giving." (Title I, Canon 10 §2) The tithe is a portion of one's goods which is given to God and His Church. These offerings are a "sacrifice" or "oblation" given to God and are used to further the work of the Church. All members in good standing of the Anglican Church in North America are expected to give the Biblical Tithe, which is 10% of their income. (Deuteronomy 14:22-26) Tithes are left in the possession of the Church and are used for everyday parish and diocesan needs. If you would like to your tithe or offering electronically, click here.
A L M S G I V I N GAlmsgiving is not the same as the tithe, but goes above the minimum 10% owed to God. Alms are funds which are set apart specifically for the poor and needy. Almsgiving is sacramental, as whatever is given to the poor is given directly to God (Proverbs 19:17) as Christ has identified Himself with the poor. (Matthew 25:40-45) The wise man reminds us: "Practicing mercy [Almsgiving] delivers from death, and it purges away every sin. Those who do deeds of mercy will have full satisfaction from life; but those who practice sin and injustice are enemies of their own souls." (Tobit 12:9-10) Alms are specifically left in the keeping of the Deacons who distribute them to those in need. If you would like to give alms, click here and write "alms" or "Discretionary Fund" in the memo.
T H E B U I L D I N G F U N DThe "Building Fund is exactly what it sounds like. These funds are used for repair and expansion of the Church's physical building. God has called many friends and members of the church to support this important tool for long-term growth. We hope you will pray for the future of your church, and we hope you will consider making a gift in order to provide the physical space necessary for the Church's mission. If you would like to give specifically to the Building Fund, click here and write "Building Fund" in the memo.
T H E O P E R A T I N G F U N DThe "Operating Fund" is used for the day-to-day expenses of parish life. Giving to Operating Fund isn’t just about keeping the lights on – the Operating Fund is what keeps the church ministering to you and to your community on a daily basis. It’s all made possible by you. Make your gifts reoccurring to ensure that the church is able to serve and bless our community and beyond. If you would like to give specifically to the operating fund, click here and write "Operating Fund" in the memo.
P L A N N E D G I V I N G"Planned giving" is a term used to describe a variety of ways that gifts can be made to the church from accumulated resources. Usually, planned giving involves financial or estate planning. Those who make planned gifts to the church and notify the church help us establish a lasting legacy for St. Mark's in our beloved Loomis community. If you would like more information on generosity planning, click here.
G I F T O F S E C U R I T I E SAppreciated Securities make a fantastic gift to the Operating Fund or the Building Fund. You may be eligible to take advantage of a two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. If you would like more information on generosity planning, click here.
G I F T O F R E A L E S T A T EIf you owned your home, a vacation home, acreage, or a farm for many years, a charitable gift of that real estate can be especially tax-advantageous. The property may have so appreciated in value over the years that its sale would result in a sizable capital gains tax. If given to the church, you avoid the capital gains tax and realize a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the real estate. It also removes this large asset from your taxable estate. If you would like more information on generosity planning, click here.
G I F T O F L I F E I N S U R A N C EIf you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, it could be the perfect gift vehicle for a year-end charitable gift. You can contribute a life insurance policy either by declaring St. Mark's Anglican Church as the owner of the policy or simply the beneficiary. It’s easy to contribute a life insurance policy – just check with your life insurance agent for details on which forms to complete. If you would like more information on generosity planning, click here.
G I F T O F R E T I R E M E N T A C C O U N T SThe church or one of its institutions can be designated as the beneficiary of all or a portion of a retirement account at death. A gift of this type provides an estate tax charitable deduction for the value of the amount distributed to the church or one of its institutions. It also provides important benefits by limiting the tax on income in respect of a decedent. If you would like more information on generosity planning, click here.